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Terms & Conditions

Biomechanics Education, Terms and Conditions – May – 2024
Further Information
Guaranteed Interview Scheme
Guaranteed interviews are not currently available for Biomechanics Education graduates. However, should
you wish to allow us to use your details in future if this were to become available, please indicate your wish
to be opted in for this here. If you opt in, we will send your name, email address and phone number to our
Guaranteed Interview Scheme partners at the appropriate point in your training, along with your general
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method/s for us to send you this.
We collect information on nationality for all learners and may share associated statistics with the Education
and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) without disclosing any individual personal information.
We collect information on ethnicity for all learners and may share associated statistics with the Education
and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) without disclosing any individual personal information.
Documents Needed to Complete Your Course
If you notified us of a pre-existing medical condition, impairment or disability, have claimed exemptions
and/or have prerequisites regarding your training we require all documents to be sent to us within 14 days
from the date of your enrolment.
Failure to send documents could lead to a delay in your training until these are received.
Terms and Conditions of Enrolment
1. Learners charter
1.1 Our Commitment to You
As a learner with Biomechanics Education you can expect us to:
– Provide you with first-classtraining and resources via our team of highly qualified, professional tutors
– Co-ordinate yourtraining programme and provide you with regular information regarding your training throughout your time with us
– Offer appropriate advice, guidance and support as you progressthrough yourstudies
– Employ fair, valid and appropriate assessment methods thereby ensuring that your qualifications always remain highly respected within the industry
– Ask you for your views and listen to your constructive feedback so that we can continuously enhance the quality of your courses and overall
experience with us
– Communicate with you regularly to keep you abreast of company, course and training developments and encourage you to feel part of the
Biomechanics Education learner community
1.2 Your commitment to Biomechanics Education
As one of our learners you will:
– Do your bestto make the most ofthe opportunities and facilities provided by Biomechanics Education, your courses and tutors
– Participate in a friendly, professional manner and with respect for your fellow learners, tutors, assessors and venue staff
– Take responsibility for managing your learning, allocating yourself sufficient study time to enable you to achieve your goals and meet the required
– Contact oursupport teams if you require help with yourstudies to give us the opportunity to assist you in the most appropriate manner
– Ensure your contact and personal details are always up to date and reply promptly to our correspondence
– Ensure you are medically fit and well enough to attend each session of your course or workshop. If this appears not to be the case the tutor has the right
to request that you leave a session and you may incur a fee to re-book your training
– Report any new or changing medical conditions to us promptly. This may result in our requesting a GP’s certification prior to you attending any courses
or workshops
– Ensure you do not attend any courses or workshops while underthe influence of alcohol or drugs(otherthan prescribed medication)
– Attend sessions on the understanding that your tutor has the right to request you leave if they feel your behaviour is inappropriate or disruptive. Note
that under such circumstances there will be an administrative charge to re-book your training
2. General terms and conditions
2.1 Learners under the age of 16 may not attend any of our practical courses or workshops until their 16th birthday. Prior to that they may complete any non-practical elearning courses. Learners over the age of 16 but under the age of 18 may attend any of our practical courses or workshops with written permission from a parent or
2.2 All courses and diplomas should be completed within the time frame set out below under 13.1 beginning from the date ofsigning your enrolment form. If thistime
frame is exceeded a return to training fee would apply the amount of which is dependent on the course that you have enrolled on and the length of time since the
Biomechanics Education, Terms and Conditions – May – 2024
deadline expired. This clause can be superseded by written agreement from both parties prior to the deadline in extenuating circumstances (for example a
serious medical condition supported by the relevant documents).
2.3 All course content, format and assessment is subject to change, and we reserve the right to change and work with alternative Awarding Organisation(s) or
Professional Registers where required.
2.4 By signing the declaration on the Enrolment Form you have promised to pay the full amount of money for the whole training programme and failure to do so will
result in action being taken to recover the full amount outstanding for the whole training programme.
2.5 You must adhere to your agreed payment plan and all courses must be paid for in full at least 4 weeks before you start them. Unless you have paid in advance, you
will not be able to start or attend a course.
3. Monthly instalment scheme
3.1 If you are paying monthly using Biomechanic Education’s instalment scheme, each instalment including the deposit will include a processing fee of £9, also known
as the ‘staged learner fee’.
3.2 Your payment schedule will determine how soon you can complete your diploma/course(s) as each course must be paid for one month in advance. You should
discuss your payment plan with your Learner Support Adviser to make sure that it does not affect any of your booked courses.
3.3 If at any stage you wish to put your training on hold you will still be required to continue your monthly payments. We do not permit ‘payment holidays’.
4. Cancellation
4.1 By signing the Enrolment Form you are agreeing to undertake your training. You have the right to cancel your diploma/course(s), providing we receive
notification within 14 days commencing the day after you sign the Enrolment Form. Your cancellation may be subject to charges as set out in clause 4.2. After those
14 days, no cancellations are permitted and no refunds will be given.
4.2 You acknowledge that if you authorise us to allow access to your training within this 14 day period any cancelation within this timeframe will be subject to charges
for all elements supplied. Supplied elements include all e-learning courses and any other courses which have been attended.
4.3 When you book a diploma or package consisting of two or more courses, you are purchasing a single product. Once the first course has commenced, the whole
diploma or package is deemed to have commenced. For those courses that include online Anatomy and Physiology, the course is deemed to have commenced 14
days after the day of signing your enrolment form.
4.4 If you cancel within the 14 days you must return all training materials at your own expense and all items must arrive in the condition in which you received them
or you will be charged for their replacement value.
4.5 If you cancel within your 14-day cancellation period, your refund will be processed within 14 working days.
4.6 All training is non-transferable between different individuals.
4.7 All training is non-transferable between different course products.
4.8 To request cancellation within the 14-day period you may use the model cancellation form below, but this is not obligatory. Please send this to
To Biomechanics Education,
I hereby give notice that I [name] cancel my contract of sales of the following goods [diploma or product name] and/or services [services name].
Ordered on [date} and received on [date].
[Full name]
[Full address]
5. Withdraw of credit agreement
5.1 If you are paying for your training via a credit agreement and wish to withdraw from this credit agreement, please refer to the terms and conditions of your
credit agreement. Please note that this will not affect the agreement you are entering into with Biomechanics Education whereby you are agreeing to purchase your
5.2 The credit agreement is between the credit provider, and you the customer.
5.3 Should your credit agreement be ended by the credit provider prior to full payment of the outstanding balance, Biomechanics Education will require you to
pay the outstanding balance in full.
6. Changesto course bookings by you (deferrals)
6.1 If you need to defer your booked date on a practical course or workshop, we will do everything we can to accommodate your request. However, there will be a
charge, as detailed in the table below:
6.2 If you do not contact us to arrange a deferral prior to a course, you will forfeit your place and will therefore be required to pay for the course again in full if you
wish to rebook.
7. Changesto course bookings by us
7.1 If owing to unforeseen circumstances, Biomechanics Education is compelled to change the agreed date or venue for a practical workshop or assessment, we will
endeavorto give you as much notice as possible and will take reasonable steps to book you onto the earliest available workshop or assessment. Biomechanics
Education reserves the right to change the deferral fees at any time giving the learners at least 21 days’ notice in writing of the change.
7.2 Biomechanics Education is not liable for any expenses incurred by a learner following a cancellation of course or assessment. Biomechanics Education advise
learners to book accommodation and travel arrangements with free cancellation.
8. Learners with additional needs
8.1. Learners with additional needs, for example those with learning disabilities or difficulties, physical disabilities, existing medical conditions, those with English as a
second language (ESL), and those with specific religious considerations, should ensure they have made this known to us prior to returning the signed Enrolment Form
so we can ensure that we are able to provide the right kind of support to you throughout your training with us.
8.2 Learners with disabilities and learning difficulties may request adjustments to assessments. You must provide a professional/medical report that supports the specific
adjustment that you are looking for us to apply e.g. 25% extra time in exams.
8.3 Pregnant learners will be able to attend all courses but may not be able to fully participate in certain practical elements on them for health and safety reasons.
Please inform the Learner Support teams as soon as you are aware of your pregnancy so that we can advise you of any amendments or/and alterations to your training.
For assessments, we may need to apply for reasonable adjustments from the relevant Awarding Organisation prior to your attendance.
Number of weeks before start of booked course:
Course 8+ weeks 0-8 weeks Non-Attendance
All practical courses and assessments No charge. Deferral fee of £50 for each day of
the practical course or workshop.
Full cost ofthe practical
course or workshop.
Biomechanics Education, Terms and Conditions – May – 2024
9. Approved/accredited prior learning
9.1 Some courses may require prior qualifications. If you have achieved a prior qualification with another training provider, you will need to provide proof (which is
subject to approval). Please email a copy of your award certificate(s) to as soon as you can so that we can get them approved and
prevent delays to you being able to undertake your training. It is your responsibility as the learners to submit your proof of prior learning promptly. If you do not
hold the relevant approved prior qualification(s) as discussed with your Careers Advisor, you may need to purchase further courses to ensure you have the relevant
9.2 Before Biomechanics Education or an Awarding Organisation can issue certificates, we must have proof that the prerequisite training has been achieved and is still
10. Help with yourstudies
10.1 The Learner Support teams are on hand to assist with any questions you may have regarding your training courses, training administration and payments. You
can access the relevant contact details under the ‘Support’ section once you have logged on to the Student Zone area of our website. You can also contact the
Learner Support teams Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm by phone (020 3841 6151) or email (
10.2 If you have any questions related to the course content, the Tutor Support team can provide plenty of assistance whilst you are studying and preparing for your
course, assessment or case study. Once you have logged on to the Student Zone area of our website, you can also find their contact details in the ‘Support’ section’.
10.3 For certain courses, additional support can be accessed via our closed Facebook groups. Here you can post questions, chat with other learners and view
webinars. If your course has a dedicated Facebook group, then you should receive an invitation within approximately 2 weeks upon enrolment. You can also access
details on how to request access via the ‘Support’ section once logged on to the Student Zone area of our website.
11. Written assessments and exams
11.1 If, when taking an exam orsubmitting a case study or written assessment, yourfirst attempt is unsuccessful, you will be given the opportunity to retake orresubmit
free of charge. Subsequent retakes and resubmissions will however incur a charge of £50.
12. Practical assessments
12.1 For the Gym Instructor Assessment, PT Programming and Coaching Assessment, Sports Massage Assessment and Biomechanics Coach Assessment you must
bring a friend with you to act as a participant when you demonstrate your teaching ability. For the Mat Pilates Assessment you must bring two participants. Failure to
do so may result in the assessment being cancelled and you having to pay again for a new assessment. If you fail to attend an assessment or defer an assessment
without giving eight weeks prior notice, a fee of £50 is payable. If you fail an assessment you will be given another opportunity to retake this free of charge.
Subsequent retakes will incur a charge of £50.
13. Time frames and extensions
13.1 All courses and diplomas should be completed within the time frame set out in the table below beginning from the date of signing your enrolment form. If this
time frame is exceeded a fee to return to training would apply, the amount of which is dependent on the course you have enrolled on and the length of time since the
course time frame shown below expired. This clause can be superseded by written agreement from both parties prior to the deadline in
extenuating circumstances (for example a serious medical condition supported by the relevant documents). All courses classified as CPD have a one year completion
time frame.
Biomechanics Coach 1 Year
14. Career Accelerator Package (CAP)
14.1 If your course or diploma includesthe Career Accelerator Package (CAP),then the following applies:
Some items included in the CAP are provided by third parties. While we make every effort to ensure that products and services are fulfilled, we are not liable to you in
connection with any third party provider. Your contract and all communications regarding the provision of these goods and services shall be direct with the third party
service provider and not with Biomechanics Education.
14.2 Biomechanics Education is not responsible for any damaged goods received from a third party provider or any financial loss resulting from provision of goods
and services of a third party service provider. In these instances you must contact the third party service provider directly.
14.3 Goods and services included in the CAP have no cash value and cannot be exchanged for cash.
14.4 While we make every effort to communicate any changes to the CAP, we reserve the right to withdraw or amend any product or service without notice at any
14.5 Biomechanics Education is not responsible for the use by third parties of personal data supplied to them directly by you.
15. Postage costs
15.1 Our course fees include any delivery charges we incur to send course materials and certificates to a UK mainland address. Please note if your course materials or
certificates have to be delivered to a non-mainland address, you accept liability for the delivery charge we will incur. This is payable prior to anything being sent. Please
contact our Support Team on 020 3841 6151 to check the delivery charges.
15.2 Please note if you fail to collect your parcel from the sorting office causing it to be returned to Biomechanics Education, you will incurfurther charges.
15.3 Forfurther information on costs please call the Support team on 020 3841 6151 or email
16. Complaints procedure
16.1 Our Support teams are here to help and will endeavour to resolve any issue as soon as they have been alerted. If they are unable to resolve the situation over
the the phone or by email, there is an established complaints procedure in place.
16.2 The procedure is as follows: Following your correspondence with the Support team, they will send you an email to advise on how to send your complaint in
writing to be reviewed. If a written account has already been received, you will be sent an email confirming this has been passed on for review.
16.3 Your complaint will be investigated internally with the relevant areas of Biomechanics Education and we will respond in writing to your complaint within 14
working days. In the unlikely event that our investigations are still ongoing after 14 days we will inform you of our progress and ensure that you are kept up to date.
Once we have fully investigated your complaint, we will present our findings along with any options available to you. The Support teams will also be able to guide you
through the complaints process an answer any questions you may have.
Biomechanics Education, Terms and Conditions – May – 2024
17. Data protection and third parties
17.1 As a learner with Biomechanics Education all personal data that you supply will be used to process your application. Your data will be used for marketing,
statistical and analytical purposes and to administer your training.
17.2 If you have opted to, you will receive occasional marketing and promotional emails. You are able to opt out of marketing and promotional emails from
Biomechanics Education by emailing, but you willstill receive emailsrelevant to yourtraining.
17.3 In order to administer your training, your details may be sent to a limited number of third parties, including our awarding organisations.
17.4 If you have opted into it, your details may be passed to a limited number of carefully selected partners that we work with. These include a number of gym chains
and fitness operators who may contact you should they have any positions available in locations near you once you are a qualified; and also providers of specialist
products and services designed to help you in your career. If you would like to opt out please email us on
17.5 If you are a registered member of CIMSPA your details may be sent to them upon taking part in any CPD courses in order for them to update your records.
17.6 Your data is kept on oursystems for a period of seven years from your date of order, after which it will be confidentially destroyed. Following this time, we will
keep only the data we require to continue to administer your training,such as being able to provide you with replacement certificates. Non-personal data may be kept
for analytical and statistical purposes. This does not include anything you have posted on any of our social media channels or third party websites, such as Trustpilot.
17.6.1 We may be required to keep certain other information for a longer period of time, in order to be compliant with relevant regulations or requirements. We will
not keep any other information except that stated above and will only keep information that we are required to keep for as long as we are required to keep it.
17.6.2 We may extend the duration that we keep your data for if we have reason do to so, such as if you have made further orders within seven years of the first
order, following which most of your data will be kept for seven years from the latest order date. This is with exception to certain data related to earlier orders,such
as payment information, which is kept for a maximum of seven years.
17.6.3 We reserve the right to confidentially destroy data we do not find reasonable to keep earlier than seven years if we have reason to do so. This includes any
payment information, which we will keep for a maximum of seven years.
17.6.4 We may keep additional data about you if you have given us consent to do so separately. This includes such data as contact information for ongoing
marketing and promotional purposes if you have opted in to receiving these or testimonials you have provided.
18. Image rights waiver
18.1 When attending each practical workshop you will be given a form with an option to give authority to Biomechanics Education and any related companies to the
aforementioned, permission to use your image in any promotional materials, brochures or course content to be published publicly or internally or digitally.
Permissions include still images (photographs), moving images (film video), and audio recordings. Biomechanics Education agrees that it will respect the dignity and
privacy of any images, videos or audio recording obtained.
18.2 If you choose to give authority on these forms as a learner of Biomechanics Education you give perpetuity for any photography, film containing your image and
any audio recording that contains your voice as part of that practical workshop. It will be the decision of Biomechanics Education when to cease using any
photography, video or audio recording (within reason). Biomechanics Education will own the copyright to any photography or video containing your image.
19. Contact information
19.1 If any of Biomechanics Education’s contact information changes, we will make every reasonable effort to inform you within 14 days.
19.2 You must provide us with a reasonable method of contacting you, preferably one or more of the following or a reasonable alternative agreed upon with
Biomechanics Education prior to agreeing to this contract:
a. A valid email address
b. A UK telephone number, either a standard landline or mobile
c. A non-UK telephone number in conjunction with a valid email address
19.3 If any of your contact information changes over the course of your training, you must make every reasonable effort to make Biomechanics Education aware
within 14 days and provide alternative contact details.
20. Medical information
20.1 If you do have any pre-existing medical condition, impairment or disability, we will require a fit note from a medical professional prior to you attending any
practical sessions that may form part of the enrolled course.
20.2 It is your responsibility to send this fit note to us within 14 days from the date of your enrolment (unless we have agreed in writing to extend this period of time
pursuant to your request for an extension) to allow us time to make reasonable adjustments should they be required to the course where possible.
20.3 You agree to inform Biomechanics Education of any changes in your medicalstatus. Notifications of changes must be sent to
Changes may require a fit note from a medical professional prior to you attending any further practical sessions.
21. Lifetime Learning Promise
21.1 As long as you are actively studying towards your qualification, we will provide you with a free extension to your learning. Active studying is considered to be
completing any part of your learning within a six month rolling period. Completed learning could be attending a workshop or finishing a small unit of e-learning. On
expiry of your course time frame, if a six month period has passed or subsequently passes without active studying a return to training fee would apply to continue your
course. The amount of the return to training fee is dependent on the course you have enrolled on and the length of time since the course time frame expired.
21.2 Biomechanics Education’s Lifetime Learning Promise has no monetary value and is nontransferable to other organisations