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Biomechanics and Sports Massage Therapy

Elevate your offering and support your clients on a deeper level by introducing Intrinsic Biomechanics into your Sports Massage Therapy practice.

Supported by over 20 years of research
Monthly finance payments available
Expand and retain your client base
Take your understanding of movement to the next level

Why it’s relevant to you as a sports massage therapist

Sports Massage Therapists are often referred clients by various allied health professions. such as Physiotherapists and Podiatrists, for support with rehabilitation.

What we will give you as a Sports Massage Therapist is the ability to assess, monitor and progress your clients with their rehabilitation needs. In addition, we will teach you how to work with your current clients, to test, identify and take preventative measures for risk reduction. The course will also enhance your relationship with the physiotherapists and other healthcare providers because you will have common language between you.

Enquire Today

You’ll have the opportunity to speak with one of our expert Careers Advisors, who can provide friendly, no-obligation advice about your options and help you get started.

What You’ll Learn

Included in your training are various elements and online modules that ensure you are well-equipped to identify risks and optimise performance among clients.

  • Introduction to Intrinsic Biomechanics
  • Pelvic & Spine Biomechanics Workshop
  • Shoulder, Knee & Foot Biomechanics Workshop
  • Back Health Online Learning

Fees & Funding Options

When it comes to funding your course, there are multiple options available. We believe that world-class training should be accessible to everyone no matter their financial circumstances.

Therefore, we have developed a complete range of payment options, including 0% finance, to allow anyone to reach their career goals and leave a lasting legacy in the health and fitness industry.

Pay in FullPay the full amount for your training in one whole lump sum, nice and simple.
0% FinancePut down a deposit and then spread the cost of your training with 0% finance.
Deposit & balancePut down a deposit and then pay the remaining balance in one lump sum at a later date.

Benefits of Training with Us

  1. 1

    Earning potential

    Attract new clients and retain current ones while increasing your rates using the knowledge and skills gained from the course.

  2. 2

    Lifetime learning promise

    Our courses are made for you, and we can say that with confidence. We do not restrict learners to rigid timeframes to complete their learning, charge for your extensions* or rush you through.

  3. 3

    Evidence based hands on learning

    Developed with over 20 years of research from over 4,000 participants, our course is proven, tried, and tested. You learn how to screen and test to determine what is happening within the body during movement with our blended learning experience of online learning, and face-to-face workshops and assessments.

  4. 4

    Stand out from the crowd

    As a Sports Massage Therapist through the Biomechanics Coaching Diploma we will give you the ability to assess, monitor and progress your clients with their rehabilitation needs. In addition, we will teach you how to work with your current clients, to test, identify and take preventative measures for risk reduction. The course can also enhance your relationship with other healthcare providers because you will have confidence in a common language

Why study this course ?

  • Videos, webinars, and guest lectures by leaders in the field of movement, training, business, therapy, and intrinsic biomechanics
  • CPD training and career development courses
  • Connections with hundreds of other members in our student community
  • Mentor support from the Master Trainer Team
  • Become a registered Biomechanics Coach with recognition on the Find A Coach map locator, making it easy for clients to find your business once you gain your diploma—all hosted by Biomechanics Education.


Frequently Asked Questions

Please see our most frequently asked questions.

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Call us today: 020 3841 6151