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Running Biomechanics Workshop

Enhance your running coaching skills with our comprehensive Running Biomechanics Workshop.

Supported by over 20 years of research
Monthly finance payments available
Expand and retain your client base
Take your understanding of movement to the next level

Course Overview

Running, a fundamental aspect of many fitness programs, demands a nuanced understanding of biomechanics. With an ever-growing array of running styles, it can be challenging to discern the most suitable approach for you or your clients.

Our in-person workshop is built on the principle that there’s no one-size-fits-all running style. Delve into the evidence supporting various techniques and gain practical methods to determine the most effective running style for your clients. We also provide insights into preparation exercises that can aid your clients in adapting to their chosen method.

What You'll Learn in this One-Day Workshop

  • The correct terminology to engage with local running clubs
  • Understanding the mechanics and sequencing of running gaits
  • Extrinsically examining different styles or idiosyncrasies and intrinsically evaluating restrictions and dysfunctions
  • Discussing screenings and key exercise interventions to prepare runners for their chosen style

Tom Waldron, Master Trainer

"Rachel was one of my first mentors both professionally and personally. She introduced to me the concept of critical thinking as well as the ability to respectfully question everything. She’s an expert in human movement, and if you’re lucky enough to have Rachel as a teacher, you gain much more than just knowledge about the human body."